Saturday, 16 May 2009

Final stretch

Last week of project time, now focusing entirely on writing the dissertation. The main technique I had hoped to explore in my project will, unfortunately, remain unfinished.

On reflection, it was a poor choice of investigation, and had I done in-depth research of my own, instead of relying on results gathered from previous papers, I may have re-evaluated the scale of the problem.

I had also hoped that this project would be a platform for learning more advanced shader programming, however, since I had only a basic understanding of shader implementation at the beginning of the project, I underestimated the time needed to learn the skills required, setting me back quite substantially.

The techniques I had hoped to explore were also much more complex than my initial research suggested. If I could revise my project with the knowledge I have now, I would focus exclusively on ONE technique instead of trying to investigate three.

As a direct result of this, my results are poor, with many missing parts. There are results available from previous research for all of these techniques which I can use, however, these results are at least 5 years out of date now and would almost certainly be different with current generation hardware.

In spite of poor initial planning, I hope some meaningful conclusions might finally be achieved.